Apr 30, 2021
You’ve seen it before: drinks flowing at your local bar on busy Saturday night. A patron who’s had too much leaves behind the wheel. If this person goes on to cause an accident, can the bar owner or bartender be held responsible for serving too much? What if it’s a house party, instead of a bar? The answer is,...
Apr 16, 2021
A tortfeasor goes on a donut run driving the company car and causes an accident with your insured. Can the insured - or her insurance company - also recover damages from the company? The answer is, “it depends.”
Rebecca and Steve return to explain the factors that turn an employee’s actions from a frolic into...
Apr 2, 2021
As that great American philosopher, Kenny Rogers, once sang,
"You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em"
But how do you know when to walk away? Join Rebecca and Steve as they walk through the process of evaluating a claim that looked great on intake, to tease out whether or not it was a good bet as a...